Fingerboard Theory
Week 1:
Welcome To Guitar Fingerboard Theory - Handout
Fingerboard Theory - the big packet
Priorities for Week 1:
* Learn The Notes of the fingerboard using my "cheater's method". Quiz yourself here.
Here is a handy android app (thanks Rebekah!) that will help you.
Here is an iPhone app.=
* Memorize the major scale pattern (whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half). Next, practice said pattern on a single string in all 12 keys. Make sure you try all 6 strings for each key (hint: some will be easier than others).
Week 2:
* Introduced the concept of "Triads" and explained how they are built. online lesson.
* Figured out what the diatonic triads are in each of the 5 most common guitar keys. online lesson.
* Handed out this wallflowers song. Play in all 5 "guitar keys" (CAGED)
Week 3:
* How to Capo like a pro. - this lesson also includes how to transpose from one key to another.
Week 4:
* Finished up the capo/transposition discussion (this skill is important, trust me! It will make you live a happier life!)
* Discussed the concept of Suspended Chords, both sus4 and sus2.
* Introduced the three areas of Musical Development : Repertoire - Knowledge - Technique
* Started working on these essential first position major and minor scales.
Week 5:
* Continued working with the first position scale sheet (see above).
* Explained the origin of the natural/relative minor scale and keys, and how it shares the same notes as an associated major scale.
Week 6:
* introduction to the CAGED system! The secret of the universe (on the guitar)! Check this link.
Week 7:
* Practiced the entire "essential first position major and minor scales" handout (see week 4) and talked about important technincal and musical considerations when practicing scales.
* Re-explained the "CAGED" system from a slightly different angle and learned "Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix to demonstrate.
Week 8:
* Finished up our introduction of the CAGED sytem by looking at how it applies to the major scales.
* I reccomended these books:
1. Edly's Music Theory for Practical People - Ed Roseman
2. Music Theory for Guitarists - Hal Leonard Method
3. Songwriters on Songwriting - Paul Zollo